Fresh Eggs from Our Hens..………….………… $ 4.00 per dozen
If you have only eaten store bought eggs, you will be amazed at the delicious taste and rich, deep orange yolk color of our chicken eggs. Our hens are free to spend their days roaming the farm, taking dirt baths, sunbathing, and scratching for food. They routinely dine on a variety of grasses and weeds, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables, kitchen scraps, insects – almost anything they can swallow! The light brown eggs of our Dominique hens are generally medium to large in size. We also raise Buff Orpington, Lace Wyandotte and Welsummer hens which produce medium to large eggs. The Buff Orpington and Lace Wyandotte eggs are medium brown in color, while the Welsummer eggs are chocolate brown. Our Leghorn hens produce medium to large white eggs. Our Easter Egger hens produce medium to large light green or light blue eggs. Each dozen contains a variety of sizes and types. Due to high demand for our chicken eggs we recommend you call the farm in advance to place your order. For sale at the farm only.
Fresh Eggs from our Indian Runner Ducks…. $ 5.00 per dozen
Duck eggs can be used wherever chicken eggs are used in cooking and are excellent for baking. Adding lemon juice or cream of tartar to duck egg whites causes them to fluff just as well as chicken egg whites. Our customers describe our duck eggs as having a delicious, creamy texture. Typically larger than an extra-large chicken egg, duck eggs also contain higher nutrient levels than chicken eggs. Many people with allergies to chicken eggs can eat duck eggs. Egg shells from our fawn and white runner hens are creamy white and those from our chocolate runner hens are bluish-green. Each dozen may contain some of each. We recommend you call the farm in advance to place your order. For sale at the farm only.
Call 856-467-2889 to place an order and arrange a time to purchase eggs.
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